xHumanity: This social media platform uses blockchain technology to connect people and create communities.

Jillian Wyatt ‘_MIG’
3 min readSep 24, 2021



People used to communicate with one another in person or through the use of letters to communicate. However, in the present era, people do not have to have face-to-face talks or even mail letters, which is considered antiquated; instead, they may utilize social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter to socialize with a large number of people beyond geographical boundaries. Users can exchange messages, share photographs or videos, make audio or video calls, and perform a plethora of other tasks that are possible on social media platforms, among other things.

However, as They all know, the majority of today’s social media platforms operate on a centralized basis, making them vulnerable to data manipulation and sale, among other issues. Thus, xHumanity was created to serve as a social media platform that allows users to socialize while still maintaining their security and privacy on the internet. In addition, xHumanity is a social media platform that utilizes blockchain-based, with solutions such as this one allowing xHumanity to operate in an open, decentralized, and safe manner for all of its users.

Adaptive Social Media System (also known as ASS)

Recently, the world was horrified by the revelation that the social media network Facebook had sold the personal data of their 87 million users to a political consulting firm, Cambridge Analytica, for political gain. Users that have their personal information sold to third parties they do not know are harmed by this agreement, and these users do not receive any compensation as a result of it. A major contributing factor to this issue is that social media platforms such as Facebook function under the control of one centralized system. This allows Facebook to collect and use user data for its own objectives as a platform. Problems like these can be resolved through the use of blockchain technology, which provides a decentralized system as well as secure data protection, as demonstrated by the xHumanity project. xHumanity is a social media network that utilizes blockchain technology in order to provide a decentralized social media platform that is free of tampering and misuse of data. In the same way that other social media platforms allow users to publish photographs and videos and send descriptions, xHumanity allows users to perform a variety of other activities on the platform.

Trust is extremely valuable nowadays, particularly on social media platforms, where a large amount of users’ personal data is susceptible to misuse. They can also protect all user personal data by utilizing blockchain technology, which does not allow for hacking or intervention by third parties.


Both the xDNA and the xCRED native coins have been launched by the xHumanity blockchain project. In addition to the xCRED token, which will be used inside the platform, the xDNA token will be published on the Ethereum Network using ERC-20 protocols and can be used outside of the platform; while these two tokens have distinct roles, they are inextricably linked together. Anyone who has an xCRED token has the ability to access products and participate in governance decisions. xCRED tokens will also be used for payments and prizes in addition to their utility as a cryptocurrency. Because the xDNA token will be utilized outside of the site, it will have a set exchange rate that will be determined by community members. Users have the ability to easily trade xCRED tokens for xDNA tokens and vice versa. Users can purchase xDNA tokens on platforms such as UNISWAP in order to be able to obtain xDNA tokens.

Hashtags: #xHumanity, #Blockchain #Ecosystem #IEO and #Cryptocurrency

Visite Us:

Website : https://xhumanity.org
Whitepaper : https://xhumanity.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/xHumanity_WP_v1.0.3.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/xhumanityofficials
Facebook : https://https//www.facebook.com/xHumanityofficial
Twitter : https://twitter.com/xHumanity1


Forum Username: ziro cent
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2280625
BSC Wallet Address: 0xDFAF9F31486691Dcd3ED4bfB033A4954666f553B

